Friday, August 21, 2020


Severity and Priority of a Bug are the mandatory fields of a Bug Report because these two fields helps to  decide how quickly a bug should be fixed.

What is Severity?

Severity is the impact of the bug on customer's business and tells how severe the bug is and the impact of the bug.

What is Priority?

Priority defines how soon the defect should be fixed.It defines the importance of the bug.

Generally, Severity is assigned by Tester/Test Lead and priority is assigned by Developer/Project Lead.It requires whole team to decide. Development team will fix the High Priority Bugs first rather than high Severity.

Examples of Different Combinations:

High Priority & Low Severity: Logo of the company or brand ,it won't cause lot of damage but need to be fixed as soon as possible.

High Priority & High Severity: In an Ecommerce website, 'Submit' button is not working.When user enters all the information and clicks on 'Submit' button , it throws error.

Low Priority & Low Severity: Spelling mistakes , a page is taking more time to load than usual.

Low Priority & High Severity: Browser compatibility issues

These are only the examples, in real time whole team will decide these two fields as per the application and business flows.

Happy Software Testing!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

HTTP Requests....???

What are HTTP Requests...🤔

The requests that the browser sends to the Web Server are HTTP requests. In simple terms, it is a way of sending messages between two machines over the internet.
HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

Any HTTP request consists of below components:
1. Type of Request:
     It consists of whether it is GET, POST, PUT or DELETE.
2. HTTP Headers:
     Headers specify information such as type of browser, type of content in the message and what type of response we receive in return.
3. Body/Payload:
    It consists of information sent to / from the web application. 
    Only POST and PUT have payloads where as GET and DELETE cannot have payload.

Thanks for reading!!
Happy Blogging!!!!! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What is Web Application???

What is Web Application?

In simple terms, Web Application is  a software application that is deployed to a web server. Users can access the application via a web server.
For example , is a web application. User visits in any of the browser and 'Login' page is displayed in the browser. GUI consists of 'Email id' and 'Password' input text fields. When user enters the valid credentials and clicks on 'Login/SignIn' button, if credentials are valid then 'Home' page is displayed.
When user clicks on 'Login' button, the browser makes a request to the web application on the web server to display home page.

Flow: WebBrowser----->sends request to web application----->Web Application---->validates credentials & processes request----->sends a web page as response  to web browser----->WebBrowser