Monday, April 19, 2021

Test Cases for AirCooler!!!!


1. To check that when user decreases the temperature, it should be more cool.

 2. To check that when user increases the temperature, it should be more hot.

 3. To check that AC is having the brand as per requirement.

 4. To check that AC can be fitted  to wall.

 5. To check that AC can be fitted  to door or wall.

 6. To check that AC is working for different voltages.

 7. To check that AC should work for UPS Power supply.

 8. To check that AC is working if user gives the connection through a extension box.

 9. To check the size of AC.

10. To check whether user is able to ON the AC by remote.

11. To check whether user is able to OFF the AC by remote.

12. To check the color of the AC is as per requirement.

13. To check that if user puts on water on AC - check the condition of it.

14. Cover the AC with cloth - switch ON the AC - check whether it is working.

15. Cover the AC with plastic cover - switch ON the AC - check whether it is working.

16. To check whether AC is working for swing mode.

17. Switch ON the AC for continuously for certain period of time - check whether it is working.

18. Switch ON the AC - open all the doors and windows of the room - check whether user can feel cool.

19. Switch ON the AC and check whether indicator is working as expected.

20. To check whether led light is blinking as per instructions given by user via remote.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Test Cases of Chair✔!!!!


1. To check whether the chair can hold a person on it.

2. To check whether the chair has four legs.

3. To check whether the chair can be used to place on flat floor.

4. To check whether the chair can be used to place on stones.

5. To check whether the chair can hold or used to sit more than one person.

6. To check whether the chair is made of fiber.

7. To check the color of the chair is as per requirement.

8. Take the chair - remove one leg - try to sit - check whether the chair can be used for sitting.

9. Take the chair - remove or cut two legs - try to sit - check whether the chair can hold.

10. Take the chair - remove all four legs - check the shape of the chair.

11. Take the chair - put fire on it - check the condition of the chair.

12. Take the chair - put some water on it - check the condition of the chair.

13. To check that the chair is used to sit in different environments like hot & cold.

14. To check the design of the chair is as per requirement.

15. To check whether the chair can float on water /swimming pool.

16. To check the dimensions of the chair is as per requirement.

17. To check whether chair is draggable.

18. To check the weight of the chair.

19. To check the amount of weight , chair can hold.

20. To check whether the chair melts on excess sunlight if it is fiber chair.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Test Cases of Water Bottle🍼!!!!!


1. Take the water bottle - open the cap - fill the water - check whether the bottle can hold.

 2. Take the water bottle - open the cap - fill it with oil - check whether the bottle can hold.

 3. Take the water bottle - open the cap - fill half the bottle with water - fill half the bottle with oil - check whether the bottle can hold.

 4. Take the water bottle - open the cap - fill it with water - Keep the bottle in fridge - check after some   time whether it is cooled.

 5. Take the water bottle - open the cap - refit the cap - check whether it is properly fitted.

 6. Take the water bottle - open the cap - keep it in sunlight - check the condition of the water bottle whether any changes are there.

 7. Take the water bottle - open the cap - fill the water - shake it well - check the condition of the bottle.

 8. To check the color of the bottle.

 9. To check the manufacturer material of the bottle.

10. To check whether the bottle is glass, steel, fiber or plastic.

11. Take the bottle - Keep it in fire - check whether the bottle losses its color.

12. Take the bottle - open the cap - check whether the cap is rotatable.

13. Take the bottle - crush it - check the condition of the bottle.

14. Take the bottle - open the cap - check whether it has sipper to drink.

15. Take the bottle -fill it with water - remove water from bottle - keep it on stove - check whether the          bottle is ash.

16. Take the bottle - check the dimensions of the bottle whether it is as required.

17. Take the bottle -fill it with water - keep it on stove - check whether the bottle is ash.

18. Take the bottle - keep it on stove - check whether the bottle is ash.

19. Take the bottle - check the shape of the bottle.

20. Take the bottle - check whether the bottle can be placed on any surfaces.