Saturday, September 5, 2020

Test Scenario & Test Case!!!!!

Test Scenario and Test Case are the most important and commonly used terms in Software Testing.

In simple terms and sentences we see both the terms as,

What is Test Scenario?

Test Scenario is a high level documentation of all the customer business work flows according to the requirement. By looking into the test scenario we can not test any project or application until and unless we have very good project/product knowledge.

Example : For Whatsapp application, Open Whatsapp, click on Chats, Open a chat, Click on Search and enter any letters, it should be highlighted.

What is Test Case?

Test Case is a detailed documentation of scenario which helps to Tester to test the application. By looking into testcases, we can test any project or any application without having product knowledge because it will be in detail.

Example: For the above scenario,

                 Step:1: Open Whatsapp

                 Step:2: Click on Chats

                 Step:3: Open a Chat

                 Step:4: Enter letter 'A'

                 Step:5: Check whether the text containing 'A' are highlighted or not.

While writing test cases, all the details will be provided like test data, expected result to compare and step by step test steps.

Thanks for reading my Blog!!!

Happy Software Testing!!

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