Saturday, March 27, 2021

Types of Requirements!!!

 All Business requirements are classified into two types:

1. Functional Requirement

2. Non Functional Requirement

We shall see each of them with example.

1. Functional requirement: 

    Functional requirements describe the behaviour of the system. Usually, functional requirement is from 

    Client to Developer side that is regarding functionality of the application. It tells about how each and 

    every feature or functionality should work.

    Example:  In Gmail application, when user clicks on 'Compose' button , compose page should be 


2. Non Functional requirement:

    Non Functional requirement describes the operation of a system rather than specific behaviour of the 

    system. It includes requirement for performance, scalability, usability, reliability, recoverability ,

    security and stability. 

    Non Functional requirement is from Developer to Client, the requirement is not given by client 

    but it is provided by developers to run the system smoothly.

     Example: If  20000 users click on 'Compose' button , then compose page is displayed within 1 


Thanks for reading!!!!!

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