Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Why SelectorsHub over DevTools & other XPath Plugin?

Yes we all prefer to write our own XPath & use DevTools to write & verify XPath.

But unfortunately we never realised that DevTools doesn’t give the right information about XPath as it also gives the string match and due to other functionality. DevTools breaks in case of nested shadow dom, nested iframe, generate wrong selectors for svg etc.

And when we use XPath plugins to get auto generated XPath, most of the plugins used to break in many cases like shadow dom, iframe, nested iframes, nested shadow dom and svg etc. Also they don’t generate robust relative xpath which could be used in script. So here at the end we found ourselves wasting time in place of saving.

Here SelectorsHub comes as a package which solves all the locators problem and helps in learning along with time saving.

SelectorsHub is a FREE browser plugin which is available for all browsers. It has amazing innovative features which makes it stand out from the other XPath plugins.

  1. Auto suggests the locator's functions while writing own selector like a Smart Editor which helps a lot in learning along with time saving.

  2. Error handling. Shows the proper error message for invalid XPath.

  3. Supports Shadow DOM, nested Shadow DOM.
  4. Supports Iframe, nested iframes, frame & nested frames.
  5. Supports Shadow DOM inside iframe.
  6. Debugger feature to inspect invisible elements.
  7. We can generate multiple selectors for many elements along with code which saves a huge amount of time.
  8. Supports all browsers and regular updates on all browsers.
  9. Best part it’s creator is very approachable and takes the user’s feature request on priority.
  10. There are many more features, please refer to the detailed tutorial to learn more about it.

Download link-

Detailed Tutorial-


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