Sunday, October 25, 2020

Handling frames!!!

Developing page inside another web page is called 'Embedded web page' or 'Nested web page'. To develop the frame, developer will use frame tag.
If the element is present inside the frame if we want to perform action on the element, first we should switch control from page to frame by using below statement:

frame() is overloaded i.e., frame(int arg()) ---- By index
                                          frame(String arg()) -By ID
                                          frame(WebElement args())-By frame element
To switch back control from frame to page , we use below statement:

Important point to deal with frames:
1.To switch from control from child frame to parent frame, we use
2.To verify whether element is inside the frame, right click on element and check whether it displays 
    frame option, if it is then element is present inside the frame.
3.Before switching the control from page to frame, if we perform then we get 
4. If the selenium code is unable to find the frame on the web page to switch i.e., if the driver is                  switching  to invalid frame we get "NO SUCH FRAME EXCEPTION".

Thanks for reading!!!
Happy Testing!!!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Alpha, Beta & Gamma Testing!!!

 In this article, let us see Alpha , Beta & Gamma Testing.

1. Alpha Testing : 

It is a type of testing done by tester before releasing product or software to the market.

There are three types of Alpha testing:

1. Pre-Alpha Testing : Testing all the features at the high level & check whether the product is eligible        for next level of testing.

2. Alpha Testing : Thorough & Rigorous Testing like Functional Testing , Integration Testing &                  System testing.

3. Post-Alpha Testing : Requirements will be freezed, developers will be fixing the defects & Tester            will be testing the defects.

2. Beta Testing : 

It is a type of testing done by the Tester or end users or customers once after software is released to the market.

3. Gamma Testing : 

It is the third stage of software testing which is done by sometimes after Beta Testing & before commercial release of software to the customer.

Thanks for reading!!!!

Happy Testing!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Difference between Retesting and Regression Testing!!!!

In this article will see the difference between Retesting and Regression Testing.

First let us see the definition.

1. Retesting:

    When developer give the build, check whether the defect is fixed or not is called as Retesting.

    It is also called as Confirmation Testing.

2. Regression Testing:

    Testing the unchanged feature or re-execution of same test cases to confirm that adding feature,  

    modifying feature, deleting feature is not impacting old features is called as Regression Testing.

Below are the differences:


Regression Testing

Retesting is done for failed test cases.

Regression testing is done for passed test cases.

It is planned testing.

It is generic testing.

Here, we can't go for automation.

Here, we can go for automation.

It takes highest priority.

Takes less priority compared to retesting.

Thanks for reading!!!!
Happy Testing!

Monday, October 12, 2020

Verification & Validation!

Verification & Validation...🤔

What they really means?

Verification: Verifying/Testing Customer Requirement Specification, System Requirement Specification , High Level Design, Low Level Design and also check whether it is according to the requirement or not, is called as Verification. It is done before software is developed.

Here we ensure that "Are we building product right/software right/system right".

Validation: Testing the functionality of an application by executing test cases is called as Validation. It is done once the software is developed.

Here we ensure that "Are we building right product/right software/right system".

Thanks for reading this Blog!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Different Domain Knowledge for Testers!!!

 We have many domains like Automobile, Ecommerce, banking etc. As we testers should understand basics of domain which we work and also others. I was searching how to get that and found few links created by Inder P Singh which helped me to get overview of ecommerce, Banking, automobile industry.

Below are the links to watch:

For Banking Domain knowledge: Banking Domain Knowledge

For Automobile Domain knowledge : Automobile Domain Knowledge

For  Ecommerce Domain knowledge: Ecommerce Domain Knowledge

For Telecom Domain knowledge : Telecom Domain Knowledge

I know actual domain and application knowledge will be getting when we work and understand. Hope it helps someone who wants to know basics of different Domain knowledge as we all will not get chance to work on all.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it.

Happy Blogging!!!!!!