Friday, October 16, 2020

Alpha, Beta & Gamma Testing!!!

 In this article, let us see Alpha , Beta & Gamma Testing.

1. Alpha Testing : 

It is a type of testing done by tester before releasing product or software to the market.

There are three types of Alpha testing:

1. Pre-Alpha Testing : Testing all the features at the high level & check whether the product is eligible        for next level of testing.

2. Alpha Testing : Thorough & Rigorous Testing like Functional Testing , Integration Testing &                  System testing.

3. Post-Alpha Testing : Requirements will be freezed, developers will be fixing the defects & Tester            will be testing the defects.

2. Beta Testing : 

It is a type of testing done by the Tester or end users or customers once after software is released to the market.

3. Gamma Testing : 

It is the third stage of software testing which is done by sometimes after Beta Testing & before commercial release of software to the customer.

Thanks for reading!!!!

Happy Testing!!!!

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