Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Difference between Retesting and Regression Testing!!!!

In this article will see the difference between Retesting and Regression Testing.

First let us see the definition.

1. Retesting:

    When developer give the build, check whether the defect is fixed or not is called as Retesting.

    It is also called as Confirmation Testing.

2. Regression Testing:

    Testing the unchanged feature or re-execution of same test cases to confirm that adding feature,  

    modifying feature, deleting feature is not impacting old features is called as Regression Testing.

Below are the differences:


Regression Testing

Retesting is done for failed test cases.

Regression testing is done for passed test cases.

It is planned testing.

It is generic testing.

Here, we can't go for automation.

Here, we can go for automation.

It takes highest priority.

Takes less priority compared to retesting.

Thanks for reading!!!!
Happy Testing!

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