Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Different Domain Knowledge for Testers!!!

 We have many domains like Automobile, Ecommerce, banking etc. As we testers should understand basics of domain which we work and also others. I was searching how to get that and found few links created by Inder P Singh which helped me to get overview of ecommerce, Banking, automobile industry.

Below are the links to watch:

For Banking Domain knowledge: Banking Domain Knowledge

For Automobile Domain knowledge : Automobile Domain Knowledge

For  Ecommerce Domain knowledge: Ecommerce Domain Knowledge

For Telecom Domain knowledge : Telecom Domain Knowledge

I know actual domain and application knowledge will be getting when we work and understand. Hope it helps someone who wants to know basics of different Domain knowledge as we all will not get chance to work on all.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it.

Happy Blogging!!!!!!

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