Sunday, October 25, 2020

Handling frames!!!

Developing page inside another web page is called 'Embedded web page' or 'Nested web page'. To develop the frame, developer will use frame tag.
If the element is present inside the frame if we want to perform action on the element, first we should switch control from page to frame by using below statement:

frame() is overloaded i.e., frame(int arg()) ---- By index
                                          frame(String arg()) -By ID
                                          frame(WebElement args())-By frame element
To switch back control from frame to page , we use below statement:

Important point to deal with frames:
1.To switch from control from child frame to parent frame, we use
2.To verify whether element is inside the frame, right click on element and check whether it displays 
    frame option, if it is then element is present inside the frame.
3.Before switching the control from page to frame, if we perform then we get 
4. If the selenium code is unable to find the frame on the web page to switch i.e., if the driver is                  switching  to invalid frame we get "NO SUCH FRAME EXCEPTION".

Thanks for reading!!!
Happy Testing!!!


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